
drypoint talk

drypoint talk

Welcome to a talk with Siv Johansson, legendary printmaker who has helped artists such as Lena Cronqvist, Lars Lerin, Jesper Waldersten and Linn Fernström explore the world of copper printmaking. Siv Johansson’s work with drypoint printmaking has received particular attention, in Sweden and Internationally. 

Saturday 13 May at 15, Hagagatan 14, Stockholm

At the age of 81, Siv Johansson is still active, but changes in the landscape of print sales has made it hard för her to keep the printshop she shares with Johan Brauner. During the exhibition at ed. art, a portfolio containing prints by Lena Cronqvist, Jesper Waldersten, Lars Lerin and Siv Johansson herself will be sold. All proceeds go to the maintenance of the printshop.