
Art club visits

With our broad range of high quality fine art prints, ed. art is a given destination for many of Sweden’s biggest art clubs buying art for their annual lotteries. We do viewings for the art club’s buying committee or board:

  • At our premises on Hagagatan 14 – lunch time or after working hours

  • At your premises – we visit you with a suitcase filled with prints

  • As a digital conference if you are located far away from Stockholm

We are happy to combine a viewing with, for example, a lecture on contemporary printmaking. Contact us to discuss your preferred arrangement!

Contact us

Create a wishlist

We don’t have time to go through ed. art’s whole range of artworks during a viewing, so we always make a selection. If you have special wishes before a viewing, you can create an online wish list that we use as a starting point when making the selection. Creating a wish list is easy: Create an account on ed-art.se. There are two ways of saving artworks in the wish list:

  • Click the green button that appears when you hover over an artwork in a listing

  • Click ”Add to wishlist” on an artwork’s own webpage

The wish list can be found by clicking My wishlist in the upper right hand corner when you are logged in, on desktop. On mobile, tap the menu, then Your account and choose My wishlist. On this page you’ll find a Share-button which generates a link that you can can send us before the viewing.