
the unknown and the familiar

”The past is a foreign country;
 They do things differently there.”

                             L P Hartley, 1953 

"Havets tystnad"

Throughout Ann Frössén's artistic career, she has studied how the sea has been portrayed through the ages. ed. art is now proud to release a new series of six high quality digital pigment prints. For this series, Frössén has used digital copies of old French etchings after studies in the library at Musée de la Marine.

The colourful, abstract, sharp shapes stand in stark contrast to the etchings in the background of the image. These shapes can be interpreted as pointed knives, but also as arrows, pointing to and emphasize specific areas of the images.

For the artist, these elements are very personal. They represent the unknown but at the same time the familiar in her life, what she is afraid of and where she can find serenity. "My life and my memories. It was a rough sea before I entered the harbor."

In these images, as in all of Ann Frösséns art, nature can be seen as a metaphor for how us humans live our lives.

Read more about the artist here.