Undersökning av kvadraten II
Undersökning av kvadraten II
Undersökning av kvadraten II
Undersökning av kvadraten II
Undersökning av kvadraten II

Nils Kölare

Undersökning av kvadraten II

Technique: Serigraphy Edition: 70 Year: 1979 size, paper: 89 x 69 cm size, print: 44 x 44 cm

Price: kr4,000.00

About frames

Nils Kölare has been called concretist or constructivist. Although the geometrical element is strong in Kölare’s oeuvre, the artist himself preferred the term landscape painter.  This is, for the viewer, perhaps most notable in his later pictures. Mainly, he was an artist with a passion for "the movements and directions, tempo changes and colour chords" as one critic put it after seeing the posthumous exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art in 2008.

Kölare was educated at the College of Arts, Crafts and Design during the 1950s and remained an active force on the Swedish art scene until his passing in 2007. The silkscreen prints at ed. come from Kölare’s printmaker Atelier Landberg.

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